I learned about Word Up about a year and a half ago, during my first week in New York, in fact. My friend was wearing one of their T-shirts, bearing the subtitle “Community Bookshop Librería Comunitaria”. I was immediately intrigued and demanded to know what something with a name like “Word Up” was all about. […]

After so many hours laboring over this short video and the accompanying texts I have FINALLY launched my Indiegogo campaign to support my film, Memoria Presente. Please visit the campaign page  to read my “official” write-up on the project and please support if you can! Any contribution is appreciated and anything you can to do pass this […]

  Below are my field notes about the third interview that I did while I was in La Plata in January. This encounter and my future work with this group will be at the center of the multimedia oral history project I am working on. This interview was, true to the pattern of the project […]

When I am in the US, I often feel silly, or perplexed by my pull to return to Argentina. I question it and and wonder why I, as opposed to so many other people that I know who have lived in La Plata as students from the US, with the same family even, feel so […]

Girls. The hit and oft-criticized TV show seems to require a stance, an  opinion pro- or anti-. When it comes up in conversation, people either  defend their choice to watch it, or declare their opposition, often based on criticism of the lack of diversity in the show or the privilege of its characters. I no […]

Back at home in New York now, amidst the barely melting snow drifts and the slow, slow, but eventual arrival of spring, I continue to labor over all of the material I collected in Argentina. Quite purposefully, I have not yet explicitly described my project here. It seemed safer and easier, as I struggled to […]

The tour will be in English. Group of foreign students– read AMERICAN STUDENTS. Yanquis. Already signaling a mediation, a remove from the experience of those who lived it. Anxiety, nervous gut. 1st impressions: look at all their Greek letters! TOTAL bros. SO MANY of them. I hope they break us up into groups. What if […]

Interviewed people I know well Had multiple interviews with either 2 or 3 narrators at a time In said interviews I was not miked and when there were 3 people, neither was one of the narrators. Staunchly avoided chronological questions Conducted interviews at 2:30 am (see previous post) Conducted interviews after sharing more than one […]

and now, algo para la gente bilingüe from el libro hermoso Killer Crónicas (Susana Chavez-Silverman) “…en Buenos Aires (y OJITO: eso que before I moved there, casi los únicos argentinos who’d impressed favorably were either in books or dead or both…) I realized que nunca me había sentido más…qué sé sho– and I know que […]

For another perspective on what Kaitlin and I are doing here in Argentina, you can follow her blog, Keeping Things Whole. She is a lovely photographer and will be writing about her experience visiting Argentina for the first time and working in translation.